Jackson County
Sheriff's Office
Brownstown, Indiana
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Unused Prescription Drop Off


Sheriff Mike Carothers wants to remind everyone of the drop-off program for expired and no longer needed prescription medications. Drop boxes are available in the lobby of the jail, and also at Crothersville and Seymour Police departments.

The unwanted drugs are collected and properly disposed of on a regular basis, said JCSD Detective Bob Lucas, who oversees the Sheriff’s program. Detective Lucas estimates that he collects more than 1,500 lbs of unwanted prescription drugs each year.

The program is focused on safety by helping residents properly dispose of their unused medications. Many young people who abuse prescription drugs take them from medicine cabinets of family members. Abuse of prescription drugs is a growing National concern.


Several years ago, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department worked to facilitate the installation of a secure, permanent prescription drug take-back box for use by our citizens. The drop boxes are available 24/7. Syringes are also accepted at the jail lobby DURING BUSINESS HOURS ONLY. Please do not leave syringes in the drop box. Syringes are also accepted during normal business hours at the Jackson County Health Department at 801 West Second Street in Seymour.


You are encouraged to call the Jackson County Sheriff with questions concerning prescription drugs, or any other safety concern at 1-812-358-2141. You may also contact us by email through our website at www.jacksoncountysheriffin.org. And as always you may remain anonymous.